That is part of the thrill. But in 2013 on our Legendary Cape Churchill adventure we saw something that even we didn’t expect; a red fox stalked and ate an Arctic fox. It’s not something any of our team had seen before and it was a shock and a thrill for the numerous photography guests on our Cape Churchill expedition who join us on this trip for exactly this reason - extraordinary wildlife viewing and photography.
On that blustery November day while photographing a pair of Arctic fox that had been in the area we were somewhat surprised when a red fox appeared. It’s rare to see red fox around Cape Churchill. Little did we know at that moment we were about to witness the red fox cannibalize the Arctic fox.
In 2015, one of the photographers on that trip, Don Gutoski, was named Wildlife Photographer of the Year by the prestigious Natural History Museum in London, UK. The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition provides a showcase for the world’s very best nature photography and is a competition that champions ethical photography. Images are chosen for their artistic composition, technical innovation and truthful interpretation of the natural world.
Don recalls his experience below:
©Don Gutoski“It was the last day in Wapusk when Bob, our Tundra Buggy driver spotted a fox interaction from afar. We kept our distance and for the next several hours witnessed a red fox devour an Arctic fox. I stayed out the back of the buggy for most of the scene and I was rewarded when the red fox took the remains of its kill to stash for later. There was one moment where everything lined up for the photo I call "Tale of Two Foxes.” That evening as I looked through 3000 plus photos from the day, this image stopped me in my tracks. I knew then and there it was a very special photo, and everyone agreed. I ended up being the first amateur photographer in 51 years to win the Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest in 2015!" - Don Gutoski.
Here is a short video sequence we captured of the event:
Other Images
Additional before and after photos of the event captured by Simon Gee of CanUK Images and Tundra Buggy Driver, Buggy Bob Debets.