Frontiers North

Why You Can Trust Us With Your Sustainable Adventure

Written by Maddy Grant | Mar 1, 2021 5:34:11 PM

When you think of the word ‘sustainability’, what comes to mind? Is it land, water or wildlife?

The thing is, sustainability means different things to different people. To us, it means leaving a positive impact on the places we travel, being mindful of the fragile ecosystems where we operate and constantly working to inspire others to be more sustainably-minded.

To us, sustainability is more than just a buzzword. In fact, sustainability has been at the core of our company since we first started over 30 years ago, and our new B Corporation® status shows we are still looking for ways to innovate and grow after all this time (more on that below).


We operate our adventures in Canada’s North. We consider it a privilege to share this special part of the world with our guests and recognize the vulnerability of this environment and the wildlife that inhabit it—especially polar bears. That is why in the year 2000 we partnered with Polar Bears International; why we first established our Conservation Journey® trip franchise in 2015; why we released an in-depth sustainability report in 2016; and more recently, it’s why we’ve taken our commitment to sustainability to the next level. 

We are a newly certified B Corp!

In 2020, we achieved the goal of becoming a certified B Corporation

© Robert Taylor

Now what in polar bear’s name is a certified B Corp, you ask? Officially, it means that our company is internationally recognized as a business that contributes to a more inclusive and sustainable economy. In other words, we are a company that takes the extra steps needed to leave a positive impact on our travellers, on our employees and on the communities where we operate.

Fundamentally, B Corps are businesses that are better for the community and for the planet. B Corp status is reserved for companies that meet the highest standards of:

  • Verified social and environmental good.
  • Public transparency in self-reporting.
  • Legal accountability to balance profits and purpose.

After a company is assessed on the above components, the company receives a B Impact Score. This score reflects how positive of an impact a business has on its workers, the community and the environment. To become a B Corp, we had to achieve a score of over 80, which we proudly accomplished in 2020. 

Fast forward to 2023 and we have now just completed our first recertification process and increased our score from 81.5 to 105.3! Recertification occurs every three years and requires B Corps to continue to improve their score to stay eligible for certification.  Learn more about our B Corp™ recertification. 

What does this mean for you?

© Dmytro Cherkasov, © Abby Matheson, © Zhang Yongpeng

We are one of only two—yes, two!—travel companies in Canada who are certified B Corps, so you can know that this certification is not simple to achieve, and that we are committed to the hard work necessary to make a positive impact on the world. 

When joining one of our adventures, you can have confidence and trust that we are honest in our commitment to sustainability. As the saying goes, we put our money where our mouth is. 

We are committed to the hard work necessary to make a positive impact on the world and to be a force for good. To see the ways we incorporate sustainability and social responsibility into our business practices, click here.

Is sustainability something you look for in a tour company?