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Winners of the 2020 #FindTrueNorth Photo Contest

The results are in! 

Thank you to all of our guests who submitted photos to our photo contest. Even though 2020 was not a typical year, we received some amazing entries as usual - so it was difficult to narrow them down! 

Meet the winners of our 2020 #FindTrueNorth Photo Contest! 

1st PlaceTwo polar bears in summer in Churchill, Manitoba.  "My trip to Churchill with Frontiers North was mahvelous, dahling.” - Kane Gin (Manitoba, Canada)

2nd PlaceA polar bear mom and triplet cubs. "Look kids - there's another Frontiers North Tundra Buggy watching us!" - Linda Young (Manitoba, Canada).

Honourable Mention

Two polar bears in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area.“Ok, let's not play.” - Christopher Loffredo (Colorado, USA).

People's Choice (62 votes)

A tenacious red fox in Churchill, Manitoba."A tenacious Red Fox managed to grab a morsel right from under Nanuk's nose.” - Robin Biswas (British Columbia, Canada).

A reminder of the Photo Contest Prizes:

  • 1st place: $1,000 trip voucher for a Frontiers North adventure and a Frontiers North gift package.
  • 2nd place: $750 trip voucher for a Frontiers North adventure and a Frontiers North gift package.
  • Honourable Mention: $500 trip voucher for a Frontiers North adventure and a Frontiers North gift package.
  • People’s Choice: $500 trip voucher for a Frontiers North adventure and a Frontiers North gift package.

Photo Contest Judging Process:

Once guest photos were submitted, they were encouraged to share their entries with friends and family for votes. We took the total number of votes online to determine the winner of People's Choice. Submissions were then reviewed and placed into the finalist category, which took both photo composition and votes into consideration. The finalist photos were judged by a group of photographers/staff who narrowed their finalist choices to 1st, 2nd place and Honourable Mention.


In addition to our winners, we thought we should share some beautiful and even rare captures submitted. Here are some photos we deem as notable:

Beautiful fall colours of the tundra with a polar bear poking out its head in Churchill, Manitoba.©Randi Krieger (USA)

A rare sighting of a wolverine in Churchill, Manitoba. ©James Deng (Manitoba, Canada)

Beautiful evening view from Frontiers North's Tundra Buggy Lodge. ©Lubomira Scherschun (California, USA) 

Somewhere over the rainbow at Tundra Buggy Lodge in Churchill, Manitoba.©Bert van Meegen (Netherlands)

Incredible bird watching in Churchill, Manitoba.©Kane Gin (Manitoba, Canada)

A sly Arctic fox on the frozen tundra in Churchill, Manitoba.©Bonnie Wilsey (Wisconsin, USA)

Summertime in Churchill, Manitoba. ©Kane Gin (Manitoba, Canada)

Dan's Diner in Churchill, Manitoba. February 2020.©Anne-Marie Marais (Ontario, Canada)

Congratulations again to our four winners of the 2020 #FindTrueNorth Photo Contest and thank you for all your fantastic photo submissions! 

If you travelled with us and have memorable photos from your experience you'd like to share, we encourage you to enter them in our 2021 #FindTrueNorth Photo Contest once released.  

#FindTrueNorth Photo Contest


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