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Summer in Churchill by Jim Baldwin

Most people recall their experience with Tundra Buggy® Driver Jim Baldwin by his affectionate call-out, "Buggy Nine, Buggy Nine" which he uses to refer to the Tundra Buggy he's been driving since 2006. In addition to driving a Tundra Buggy each autumn during peak polar bear season, Jim has become an essential part of our Frontiers North team during the summer as one of our main Tundra Buggy drivers. Although summer isn't peak polar bear season, Jim would agree that exploring the tundra during the slower months of July and August has its own set of unique rewards. 

Check out our Churchill Wildlife: Summer list to learn all the different species you could spot around Churchill in the summer. 

Jim Baldwin Tundra Buggy Driver

Jim is not only a talented Tundra Buggy driver; he also takes great photographs. See below for a collection of Jim's top photos from his summer in Churchill in 2018.

caribou in Churchill Manitoba

A Caribou. Fun fact: did you know it is a caribou, not a moose shown on a Canadian quarter?

red necked phalarope

Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope

arctic fox and polar bear

A polar bear and an arctic fox.

arctic fox in summer

An arctic fox, with its' quintessential summer coat.

Churchill tundra berries berry

Red Bearberry

summer polar bear Churchill Manitoba Canada Tundra Buggy

A polar bear

Snow geese

eagle seen by Tundra Buggy fireweed

A juvenile bald eagle

two caribou Churchill Wildlife Management Area

Caribou. In general, young caribou's tend to have smaller antlers. Antlers become rubbery after being shed and caribou have a tendency to chew them up! 

arctic fox in summer

An arctic fox

beluga whale in Churchill

A young beluga whale. Beluga whales are born grey and don't become white, until they are sexually mature

.beluga whale tour in Churchill

caribou on Tundra Buggy tour

Two caribou graze in fireweed. 

sleeping polar bear on Tundra Buggy Adventure

A polar bear the in summer fireweed, note, seeing this is a rare occurrence.

ptarmigan summer

A willow ptarmigan

two eagles in Churchill

summer polar bear Churchill Wildlife Management Area

pacific loon in Churchill Manitoba

A  pacific loon

arctic fox in summer

sandhill crane in Churchill Manitoba Canada

Sandhill Cranes. Did you know? Sandhill Cranes fly with their neck's folded back, only extending them during take off and landing.

colourful tundra bloom flower Churchill Manitoba

polar bear Churchill Manitoba Canada summer Tundra Buggy


All photos were lovingly captured by the hilarious and multi-talented Jim Baldwin. 

Ready to join the adventure in Churchill, Manitoba next summer? 

Check out our Summer Adventures

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