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Wildlife Count 2021

Each year we keep a running tally of all the wildlife we see during our adventures in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area (CWMA.) We do this so we can compare year over year how much wildlife we see in order to have an understanding of how populations in the North are faring, and so that we can share with our guests what they might expect to see when they join us on a Tundra Buggy® excursion. This year was an absolute hoot! With viewings of Snowy Owls, ptarmigans and geese - just to name a few, we saw lots of birds! The summer and autumn were roaring successes with polar bears and a variety of foxes.

Note that these are the number of sightings, not the number of individual animals. Last year we did not have many Tundra Buggies® out in the CWMA so our numbers look quite a bit higher compared to the 2020 numbers. Check out last year's wildlife count where you can see the 2020 and 2019 numbers. 

Below is our list of top wildlife sightings recorded in 2021 in no particular order. 



#1 Willow Ptarmigan: 617 (COMPARED TO 175 IN 2020)

ptarmigan-IMG_6614© Alex Cupeiro

#2 Gyrefalcon: 6 (COMPARED TO 1 IN 2020)

gyrefalconF10© Simon Gee

#3 Arctic Fox: 3 (COMPARED TO 1 IN 2020)

arctic fox JP_DSC0193_2©JP McCarthy

#4 Red Fox 24 (Compared to 5 in 2020)

red fox 2020_Asset_Abby_Matheson_1307©Abby Matheson

#5 Snow Goose: 497 (COMPARED TO 27 IN 2020)

Snow Goose Alex CupeiroIMG_3577© Alex Cupeiro

#6 Snowy Owl: 9 (COMPARED TO 3 IN 2020)

Snowy Owl DSCN4734© Angel Wartin Prodaehl

 #7 SandHill Crane: 356 (COMPARED TO 86 IN 2020)

sandhill craneDSCN2903©Angel Wartin Prodaehl

#8 Tundra Swan 297 (COMPARED TO 88 IN 2020)

Tundra Swan Jim_Baldwin_2019_69373748_10157348374405449_14575559929495552_o

© Jim Baldwin

#9 Bald Eagle: 155 (COMPARED TO 64 IN 2020)

Bald eagle Jim_Baldwin_2019_70171359_10157348371995449_6966912406991667200_o© Jim Baldwin

#10 Polar Bears: 498 (COMPARED TO 202 IN 2020)

polar bear Churchill-25© Dylan McCart


Muskrat: 1

Peregrin Falcon: 2

Canada Goose: 3112

Cover Image © Alex Cupeiro

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