May 04

My Churchill Beluga Whale Paddleboarding Experience

Zzzzziiiiiiip. I pull my wetsuit zipper up and waddle forwards. 5mm doesn’t seem like a lot when you look at a ruler, but when
Apr 28

Recommended Podcasts: The Canary of the Sea

Valeria Vergara breaks down how beluga whales rely on sound, how their future is affected by noise in our oceans and what
Apr 28

Recommended Podcasts: The Ocean Project: The Great Beluga Migration

Journey up to Churchill, Manitoba to learn about the largest annual gathering of beluga whales in the world, better known as the
A Tundra Buggy adventure in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area
Mar 29

7 Ways to Explore Churchill This Year

In 2021 we are offering a number of ways to experience Churchill, Canada in summer or autumn. Learn which tour is the right one
Mar 24

Fly to Churchill Direct from Calgary

We have some exciting news for anyone in western and eastern Canada who dreams of experiencing Churchill - you can now fly direct