May 04

My Churchill Beluga Whale Paddleboarding Experience

Zzzzziiiiiiip. I pull my wetsuit zipper up and waddle forwards. 5mm doesn’t seem like a lot when you look at a ruler, but when
Watching belugas in the Churchill River estuary.
Jul 31

The Beluga Boat Cam

The Beluga Boat Cam will be going live on July 15, 2022! The time of year has come for the Churchill River to fill with the songs
Two polar bears sparring in front of the Tundra Buggy Lodge at Polar Bear Point in Chuchill.
Oct 29

All You Need to Know About the Tundra Buggy Lodge

Imagine yourself in the middle of nowhere. No buildings, no crowds, no sounds of city life – nothing but the whistling of the
Sep 17

Being Bear-Aware in The Polar Bear Capital

When you visit a town where sometimes the bears outnumber the people, you become very bear-aware, very quick.
Jul 29

Wandering Wagars' Churchill Family Adventure

Did you know Churchill is a fantastic family destination? For all you adventure-loving parents, follow Kevin Wagar and his family
Jun 02

Meet the Beluga Whale Scientist Joining Our New Summer Tour!

Say hello to Dr. Valeria Vergara, the veteran beluga whale and marine mammal scientist who is our special guest on our brand new
Mar 18

5 Things You Didn’t Know About the Hudson Bay

1. Named for Henry Hudson Henry Hudson was the first European to discover the bay in 1611 during his search for the Northwest