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Sep 25

Frontiers North's Recommended Reading - Learning Books

Our favourite Learning books for kids We love to inspire travellers all over the world to visit Churchill, Manitoba to experience
Sep 15

Introducing our Brand New Logo

Just over a year ago, we at Frontiers North Adventures announced our decision to rid our logo of colonial themes. That decision
Aug 15

Extend your Stay in Winnipeg

Winnipeg lies at the confluence of the Assiniboine and the Red River of the North, a location now known as "The Forks", and has
Jul 25

Frontiers North's Recommended Reading - Story Books

Our favourite story books for 4-8 year olds We love to inspire travellers all over the world to visit Churchill, Manitoba to
Jun 12

Frontiers North's Recommended Reading - Board Books

Our favourite board books for 0 - 3 year olds We love to inspire travellers all over the world to visit Churchill, Manitoba to
May 04

My Churchill Beluga Whale Paddleboarding Experience

Zzzzziiiiiiip. I pull my wetsuit zipper up and waddle forwards. 5mm doesn’t seem like a lot when you look at a ruler, but when
Jan 05

Wildlife Count 2021

Each year we keep a running tally of all the wildlife we see during our adventures in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area
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